Sarah E Shaw


Sarah E Shaw (b. 1994) is a self-taught artist based in South-East London working in a range of mediums including painting, drawing and photography. She utilises a fusion of abstraction and figuration to express narratives and emotions that are complex and often metaphysical.

Central to her exploration is the concept of ‘mindscapes’; abstract compositions that emerged as a form of artistic escape and introspection. These mindscapes, alongside her depictions of natural phenomena such as storms, sunsets, and rippling water, reflect her ongoing fascination with the ever-changing rhythms of the natural world and the inner landscapes of the human mind.

Beyond artistic expression, Sarah views her art as a tool for personal healing and growth, using it to navigate and treat her own struggles with depression. Additionally, she seeks to document the changing landscape, capturing moments of transformation and evolution as they unfold.


In her journals for each series of paintings, Sarah reflects on her artistic practice, weaving together relevant historical and scientific research to deepen understanding of the creative process.

Nightingale Hospital Commission



Photo Journal